50pc of Odessa White (20"x20" Foam) Ceiling Tiles - Covers about 135sqft
50pc of Odessa White (20"x20" Foam) Ceiling Tiles - Covers about 135sqft is the most wanted Antique Ceilings Home at this time. If you're looking for good Antique Ceilings Home, we suggest this Antique Ceilings Home will be the real option.
The ceiling tiles and panels are made of uniform extruded polystyrene foam. With this technology, it is possible to obtain smooth and even surface. They will give your ceiling an extremely attractive look. Additionally, the tiles have high water resistance and their smooth surface makes them easy to clean with ordinary cleansers. All of the tiles can be painted. The tiles are about 20"x20" and are easily glued to any ceiling without any prior preparation.
Besides of the affordability, this Antique Ceilings Home is also equipped with many exciting features. This Antique Ceilings Home of course will complements your living necessities.
Made from high quality Polystyrene foam
Easy to install - with most any Mastic ceramic tile adhesive
Can be installed right over Pop Corn ceiling
Can be painted with most any water or latex based paints
Tin like look from a modern material
We have already done the research and spent a lot of time to give the most beneficial deal for you. In case that you have any doubts, you could find out anything they said about this product.
you can buy, compare prices or see all the reviews about 50pc of Odessa White (20"x20" Foam) Ceiling Tiles - Covers about 135sqft the link below